EYES's Outing to Salmon le Sac and WAC Cabin
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- Team:
- EYES Youth Leader Program
- Date:
- Friday, September 6, 2019
- Trip Types:
- Car Camping, Educational, Hiking
- Plan:
- On Friday, we will meet at Garfield HS Teen Life Center parking lot and drive to Salmon le Sac (Cle Elum) on I90, stopping to eat dinner along the way. We will set up the tents in 2 adjacent camp sites, play "getting to know you games," hang out and build community, etc. On Saturday, weather permitting, we will hike to Pete Lake for lunch, learn strategies for working as a youth leader with both kids and adults (leadership training,) and have a swim break. Upon our return to camp we will explore the town of Roselyn for a while. Youth will make and clean up dinner at camp, learn and teach each other games for ICO trips, break teh instructions down into steps, and practice teaching them to each other. On Sunday, we will pack up after breakfast and join the adult ICO leaders at the WAC cabin for the final sessions of NLT. There, the youth will get to know the adult leaders, teach the adults the games + strategies for working with youth, and eat lunch. After lunch, we will return to Garfield to meet their parents/guardians.
- Report:
- We got on the road late on Friday, so ate dinner while we drove. Arriving at Salmon La Sac just before dark, the youth immediately set up their tents and organized camp and gear. That evening was spent playing games and taking a "midnight" walk. On Saturday, the youth slept in so made and cleaned up from a late breakfast, made our lunches then packed for our hike to Pete Lake. By the time we got to the trailhead and found parking, it was super hot so we changed our plan. We hiked around Cooper Lake, ate lunch, learned some games, talked about "what will happen at NLT," and went swimming. After this, we headed into Roslyn where the youth explored the town and we listened to some outdoor music. It started to look like rain so we headed back to camp, put the rain flies on the tents and made dinner. Over the course of the evening there were breaks in the rain so we had time to have a campfire, played some campfire games, and talked. When the rain was pouring down, the youth played cards in the largest tent. In the morning, we ate breakfast, packed up the wet camping gear, and headed to the WAC cabin to help with New Leader Training for the adult volunteers. The youth had a lot of fun teaching games, eating lunch, and getting to know the new leaders. We returned on time to Garfield Teen Life Center for parent pick up. Altogether, it was a fun and successful Youth Leader training weekend.
- Suggestions:
- Tents in the locker are a mess. I have started writing the contents of the tent bag+ my signature+ the date on a tag on each tent I use so that the next user knows when the tent was last used and if the equipment needed is all there. I suggest everyone bring a sharpie and do the same when using the tents.